March 2023 Forecast

March 2023 Forecast

March 2023 is a Pisces-filled month! Numerically, March is the representative of the number 1, the number of starting afresh. As for tarot cards, this month is associated with The Wheel of Fortune which urges us to embrace any fluctuations that come our way. The Sun and Mercury are both in Pisces at the beginning of the month, and Saturn joins them on March 7th. This is a great time for spiritual pursuits, but be sure to stay grounded. At the end of the first week in March, we have the beautiful Full Moon in Virgo, so let's not be too hard on ourselves. On the 14th we'll have a Fourth Quarter Moon in Sagittarius - an awesome time for conversations that come from the heart. Venus will enter into the sign of Taurus on the 16th to bring improvements in relationships and careers. Meanwhile, Mercury entering Aries on the 19th allows us to think out loud and clearly. Then, we have the Sun coming into Aries on the 20th where passions shine brightest - watch out for that thunderbird! The Aries New Moon on March 21st heralds the coming of Spring and reminds us to take things with a dose of optimism. Pluto makes an important move into Aquarius for his first time on March 23rd; with him comes transformative power as he begins his journey back to Capricorn -- it's time to look deep and find solutions for old problems. On March 25th Mars will enter Cancer, providing home life with loads of fiery energy. Lastly, on March 28th we have the Second Quarter Moon in Cancer which brings attention to our emotions and family matters.

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